About Me

I am a full-stack developer based in Singapore.

How It All Began

I was first introduced to web development when I worked as a business development executive at an eCommerce company. It was here that I became fascinated by the technology. Soon after, I decided to delve head-first into web development by attending General Assembly’s bootcamp where the instructors and community helped me cultivate a strong foundation and supplement my knowledge.

Web Development

This field is in a constant state of flux, where continuous learning is essential. I enjoy keeping up with the developments, this is a major part of its allure for me.

My Approach

Being very design-focused, I enjoy creating user-centric, aesthetically pleasing web applications. I employ a “ground-up” philosophy to programming where I build the minimum viable product before adding extra features.



A game where players compete to sink as many ships in 20 seconds

Rejection Therapy

A fun game to help build confidence and share the experience with friends


A tool to help you catalog the places you have visited


A tool that helps you manage your ecommerce store


If you would like to collaborate, please feel free to contact me -

Stefanie Seah

Full-Stack Web Developer
